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Voiced Worlds On Demand

Featuring dialogue-rich films across genres—animations, live-action, feature films, and documentaries from Rija Films. This program celebrates the stories that need to be heard, blending powerful narratives with cinematic excellence. Rent or screen these remarkable films today and let the voices of Latvian cinema take you on unforgettable journeys.


Lotte From Gadgetville

Cheerful puppy-girl Lotte lives in a small seaside village with her father, a famous inventor, and her spirited mother. Lotte always has things she wants to do, and she is always eager to experience something new. The most important event in the village is the annual competition of inventors where the prize goes to the most efficient and wittiest invention. Who will be the winner this year?

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Lotte and Moonstone Secret

In their last adventure, Klaus and his friends Fred and Ville took three stones from a secret temple. What they didn’t know is that the stones are the only way for the Moon Rabbits to get back home. While two of them, Tik and Rhiv, search for Klaus and the stones, Lotte and her uncle want to unlock the stones’ secrets. They have many adventures on their way to find Fred and Ville, during which they are followed by the two Moon Rabbits and Paul, the cat, who is also very interested in the mysterious stones.

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Lotte and Lost Dragons

Every day veterinarian is saving and treating all kind of animals, but once he does not succeed. After death of one of his patients the heart of kind man is tearing apart until he finds forgiveness.

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In The Fog

The film is based on a story about partisan fights at the tame of World War II, written by the Belorussian writer Vasil Bykov. It is dealing with treachery and the difficulties to make a moral decision in an amoral situation.

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The Golden Horse

Despite the ridicule of his cruel older brothers, Antis, the youngest son in his family embarks on a mission to save a beautiful Princess from the glass mountain where she has been imprisoned by the Black Mother, an evil witch who feeds on the sadness of others.  On his journey, Antis meets the helpful White Father, the sworn enemy of Black Mother.  However, Antis soon realises there are many more obstacles standing in his way.  Will Antis’ be able to save the Princess’s through persistence and bravery and conquer the Black Mother?

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Land of Fate

The Latgalian-Americans Peter and Helena’s family search leads to the discovery of dozens of survivors in Siberia .... While the two great powers of Europe fight during World War II, the strong family of the legendary Prometheus of Latgale, Andrīva Jurdžs, is brutally shattered. Fleeing from the Communists, a few of the younger generation manage to escape to the West. The older generation remains in Latvia, but Stalin's repression deports many to Siberia as “enemies of the people”. Some manage to survive in Latvia. The family is scattered over three worlds and the post-war generation have never met. While in America, Peter accidentally discovers the documentary film "Perpetual Calendar", and he instantly recognizes his Latvian relatives. Brother and sister, Peter and Helena, follow their parents footsteps back to Latgale (Eastern Latvia) to learn more of their legendary ancestor and to finally meet relatives. The family’s search leads to Tomsk, Siberia ....

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National Hero

A comic fantasy of the most famous characters in the Latvian literature. A story about their adventures throughout the 800 year-long history of city Riga.

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The Prickly

Once upon a time an old married couple lived in love and happiness, but they did not have any children until one day the old man found a small hedgehog in cabbages. So the fairy-tale about the endless power of love and faith begins, the fairy-tale about the Prickly.

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Little Devils

Two Little Devils escape from their fiery home – hell by coincidence. They find themselves into a farm managed by the honest and diligent Landlord. Together with the Little Devils two Robbers arrive in the farm to rob the Landlord. Being of diabolic nature the Little Devils decide to use their knowledge of witchcraft to fight the Landlord. Although they try hard to injure the Landlord, all their witchcrafts turn against the Robbers. The evil intentions of the Robbers fail.
Having met the kind and beautiful Princess the Little Devils grow to understand that being good is more fun and better than being evil. After resisiting to the call of their old devil Schoolmaster and saving the Princess from his hands, the Little Devils turn to humans – two nice mischevious boys.
Together with Princess they face the beautiful and unknown world.

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Kirikou and Sorceress

A little voice is heard from inside the womb of a pregnant woman:”Mother, give birth to me !” “A child who can speak from his mothers womb can give birth to himself” replies the mother. And so a little boy is born, cuts his umbilical cord and declares:”My name is Kirikou”. The tiny Kirikou is born into an African village upon which a sorceress called Karaba has cast a terrible spell: the spring is dried up, the villagers are being ransomed, the men of the village have been eaten up by the sorceress.

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Greyhound of a Girl

Mary is an eleven year old girl with a passion for cooking, absorbing information from her grandmother who is a wonderful cook. However, Mary and her family must come to terms with her grandmother's illness.

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Eizenstein in Guatanaho

Rejected by Hollywood and facing pressure to return to Stalinist Russia, filmmaker Sergei Eisenstein travels to Mexico to shoot a new film. Chaperoned by his guide Palomino, he experiences the ties between Eros and Thanatos, happy to create their effects in cinema, troubled to suffer them in life.

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Tale of a Palace

Two travellers are making their way to the Palace in hopes to find meaning of life.Do they know that this road is lifelong?

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Best Value

Silent Magic



Every month

Discover the power of visuals with our dialogue-free masterpieces—nine award-winning short films crafted by Rija Films for pure audio-visual storytelling.

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Dialogue-free storytelling for universal appeal

Award-winning animations created by Rija Films

Perfect for immersive and relaxing experiences

Access to exclusive Latvian cinematic artistry

Flexible subscription, rental, or purchase options

Best Value

Voiced Worlds



Every month

Explore a collection of dialogue-rich films, including animations, feature films, live-action stories, and documentaries. Discover the stories we love to tell.

Valid until canceled

Wide range of genres: animation, live-action, and documentar

Compelling dialogue-driven narratives

Includes Rija Films global festival premieres

Access to exclusive Latvian and international productions

Flexible subscription, rental, or purchase options

online on-demand cinema plans

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